CT Volumetry Biomarker Ctte

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Co-chairs: Gregory Goldmacher, MD, PhD, MBA; Jenifer Siegelman, MD, MPH; Ehsan Samei, PhD
Secretary: Julie Lisiecki


  • Tcons are held roughly Weekly. Contact the secretary for details.
  • Call Summaries

Profile Development

Advanced Disease/Tumor Volume Change Profile

Status - Consensus Profile complete

Status - Technical Confirmation in progress

Past and Future

Lung Nodule Assessment in CT Screening

Status - Public Comment complete; now resolving comments into Consensus Profile

Groundwork Projects

These projects investigate (and resolve) scientific questions underlying QIBA Profile work.

  • VolCT - Group 1A - Analyze Bias/Variance where Ground Truth is Known Deterministically
  • VolCT - Group 1B - Focus on Volume Change Analysis of Pulmonary Nodules in Diagnostic Settings
  • VolCT - Group 1C - Model Sources of Variability from a Systems Engineering Analysis
  • VolCT - Group 3A - Characterize variability due to algorithms (using phantoms / clinical data)
  • VolCT - Group 3B - Characterize clinical utility/efficacy with respect to clinical endpoints
  • VolCT - Colorado Group - Quantifying variability in measurement of pulmonary nodule

Reference Materials




Reference Articles

  • Are we ready? A time for measurement of physiological parameters of the lung using multidetector row CT scans. Hatabu H. Acad Radiol. 2009 Mar; 16(3):249. Academic Radiology
  • Radiology 2007 - Coronary Calcium Scoring - This paper by Dr. McCollough et al is may be seen to be analaogous to our work in that it addresses similar issues (e.g. achieving "standard" noise levels). It could be thought of as an early draft of a Calcium Scoring profile, including both groundwork and equipment specifications.
  • Helical multidetector row quantitative computed tomography (QCT) precision. Bligh M, Bidaut L, White RA, Murphy WA Jr, Stevens DM, Cody DD. Acad Radiol. 2009 Feb; 16(2):150-9. Academic Radiology
  • Comparison of the accuracy of CT volume calculated by circumscription to prolate ellipsoid volume (bidimensional measurement multiplied by coronal long axis). Rkein AM, Harrigal C, Friedman AC, Persky D, Krupinski E. Acad Radiol. 2009 Feb; 16(2):181-6. Academic Radiology

Round 1 of QIBA Funded Projects

Round 2 of QIBA Funded Projects